There may come a time in your business ownership when you need to consider switching your website from shared hosting to a dedicated server. Since the process can be a major investment, there are several clues to let you know when a switch must be made.

Sharing Becomes A Major Risk

When you have a smaller business or are just starting out with your website, sharing a server is a fair trade-off for affordability. As your website gains more traction, your business becomes larger, or business conducted via your website is your sole income, it may not be worth the risks of using a shared server. The major risk of any shared server is anything that happens to other websites will inadvertently affect your website. This can include malware or posting of illegal content, which could ultimately shut down your business. When you have significant revenue from conducting business online, even a day of your website going offline could be a disaster. Switching to a dedicated server means you are only responsible for what happens to your business.

Your Website Grows Substantially

Although your website host may promise unlimited storage and bandwidth with shared hosting, this is not possible. With success comes the need to upgrade and expand your website, and more traffic. When you start outgrowing your shared hosting, your visitors will begin experiencing problems on your website. This include significant lag when trying to load pages or check-out, or your website might crash altogether. A dedicated server allows you to have truly unlimited storage and bandwidth. If ever you outgrow your first server, the provider can simply upgrade you to a better server. You can also offer your visitors more features on your website since you have the storage space and power to offer more elaborate graphics, shopping carts, and other features.

You Need Better Security

Some businesses may not have enough visitors to their website that warrants an upgrade to a dedicated server, but they may handle sensitive information that needs extra security. For example, you may want better protection for payment information, health records, or sensitive files that will be stored on the server. When you handle such information, you owe it to your clients and the public to have enhanced security. Additionally, dedicated servers are often managed remotely, which means there is constant monitoring of your server to prevent security breeches or stop them if they occur. This can stop or minimize the damage that can occur if sensitive information is accessed.

Making the change from shared hosting is the sign of a flourishing business. Investing in a dedicated server through a hosted cloud service can open doors to a better, well-functioning website and enhanced security.
